Talks presented at the 8th ADAMAS Workshop, GSI, Darmstadt, December 9 - December 10, 2019
  1. scCVD diamond detector signal properties investigated with ion microbeams at elevated temperatures - Crnjac, Andreo (RBI)
  2. Development of a beam-tagging diamond hodoscope for online range verification in hadrontherapy - Curtoni, Sébastien (UGA - CNRS IN2P3)
  3. First test of a diamond detector at European XFEL - Freund, Wolfgang (European XFEL)
  4. Diamond detectors characterization for 235U fission fragments detection at LOHENGRIN - Gallin-Martel, Marie-Laure (LPSC)
  5. CIVIDEC - Status and Outlook - Griesmayer, Erich (CIVIDEC)
  6. CIVIDEC - Diamonds from 2K to 500K - Griesmayer, Erich (CIVIDEC)
  7. Diamond detector simulations in GEANT4 - Kavrigin, Pavel (CIVIDEC)
  8. Performance of UFSD Strip sensors for timing applications - Pietraszko, Jerzy (GSI)
  9. Update on diamond based microdosimetry in hadrontherapy - Pomorski, Michal (CEA-LIST)
  10. Diamond detectors in the HADES experiment - Spies, Simon (IKF Goethe University Frankfurt)

Talks presented at the 7th ADAMAS Workshop, TU Wien, December 13 - December 14, 2018
  1. Characterization of Single-Crystal Diamond Sensors for Radiation Monitoring in HEP Experiments - Bosisio, Luciano (INFN Trieste)
  2. Antiproton measurements - Červ, Miha (CIVIDEC)
  3. Diamond Edge-TCT - Dorfer, Christian (ETHZ)
  4. Use of NEUTON at the EPFL Zero Power Research Reactor CROCUS - Hursin, Mathieu (EPFL)
  5. 3D Diamond Detectors for Small-field Dosimetry in Photon Beam Radiotherapy - Kanxheri, Keida (INFN-Perugia)
  6. Single-Crystal CVD Diamond Detectors for Neutron Spectroscopy of d-d and d-t Fusion Reactions - Kavrigin, Pavel (CIVIDEC)
  7. Diamond Beam Loss Monitors at CERN accelerators - Kral, Jiří (CVUT/CERN)
  8. Challenges with Diamond Detectors at ITER - Krasilnikov, Vitaly (ITER)
  9. High Temperature Alpha-Spectroscopy and Implications for Transactinide Chemistry - Kraus, Benjamin (PSI)
  10. Fast Diamond Detectors for Range Monitoring in Hadron Therapy - Marcatili, Sara (CNRS/LPSC)
  11. Recent Developments of 3D Diamond Detectors - Oh, Alexander (Manchester University)
  12. Advances in Diamond Based Microdosimeters - Pomorski, Michal (CEA-LIST)
  13. Latest Beam Test Results of 3D Diamond Detectors - Reichmann, Michael (ETHZ)
  14. Determination of Plasma Stopping Power by Time-of-Flight Measurements of Low-Energy Ion Bunches. A need for a fast and efficient CVD detector - Sauvestre, Jean-Etienne (CEA-DAM/DIF)
  15. Recent Progress in Growth of Heteroepitaxial Diamond for Detector Applications - Schreck, Matthias (Augsburg University)
  16. Ultra Large HPHT Diamonds: Technology, Quality Assessment and Applications - Semchenko, Dmitry (NDT)
  17. Neutron Spectroscopy with a Diamond Telescope Detector - Weiss, Christina (CIVIDEC)

Talks presented at the 6th ADAMAS Workshop, Croatian Academy of Sciences and Arts, Zagreb, November 27 - November 28, 2017
  1. The ultrafast dE-ToF single crystal diamond detector - Beliuskina, Olga (CNS, Univ. Tokyo)
  2. Strange results from synchrotron radiofrequency beam position measurements from sc-CVD diamond detectors at DLS - Bloomer, Chris (DLS)
  3. CVD diamond detector with interdigitated electrodes for time-of-flight measurements of low-energy ion bunches - Cayzac, Witold (ENS Saclay)
  4. Large area diamond detectors for fast beam tagging applications in particle therapy - Dauvergne, Dennis (LPSC)
  5. CIVIDEC status 2017 - Griesmayer, Erich (CIVIDEC)
  6. edge-TCT in diamond via multi-photon absorption - Hits, Dmitry (ETHZ)
  7. Particle identification with ROSY - Kavrigin, Pavel (CIVIDEC)
  8. Progress in development of DoI - Kiš, Mladen (GSI)
  9. Development of diamond detectors for HADES - Kornakov, Georgy (TU Darmstadt)
  10. Development of pixelated diamond detectors for a portable neutron imager - Lynde, Clément (CEA-LIST)
  11. Diamond timing detectors in TOTEM and CT-PPS at the LHC - Naaranoja, Tiina (HIP)
  12. Recent progress of 3D Diamond detectors - Oh, Alexander (Univ. Manchester)
  13. Neutron spectrometer based on diamond detectors for fast reactors - Osipenko, Mikhail (INFN)
  14. RADIAMM: RAdiation hard DIAmond-based secondary emitter for development of an ultra-fast timing MicroMegas detector - Papaevangelou, Thomas (CEA-IRFU)
  15. scCVD diamond membrane microdosimeters for hadron therapy - Pomorski, Michal (CEA-LIST)
  16. scCVD diamond membrane detectors for radiobiological applications - Pomorski, Michal (CEA-LIST)
  17. Investigation of the signal behaviour in poly-crystalline CVD diamonds depending on incident particle flux - Reichmann, Michael (ETHZ)
  18. Development of bump bonding process for pixelated diamond sensors - Sanz Becerra, Diego Alejandro (ETHZ)
  19. Performance of CVD Diamond Detectors Irradiated by Carbon Beams - Schirru, Fabio (GSI)
  20. Extreme radiation hardness and signal recovery in thin diamond detectors - Skukan, Natko (RBI)
  21. Electric Current Characteristics of Irradiated Diamond Detectors - Sudic, Ivan (RBI)
  22. Neutron applications with diamond detectors - Weiss, Christina (CIVIDEC)

Talks presented at the 5th ADAMAS Workshop, GSI, Darmstadt, December 15 - December 16, 2016
  1. Diamond-based thin detectors for radiobiological applications of charged-particle microbeams - Barberet, Philippe (CENBG)
  2. Research towards diamond based cryogenic beam loss monitors for LHC magnets - Bartosik, Marcin (CERN)
  3. Concluding NoRHDia, CARAT, and ADAMAS - Berdermann, Eleni (GSI)
  4. The U304 experiment - Results - Ciobanu, Mircea (ISS Bucharest)
  5. Diamond-like Heat Spreaders in the Form of Cheap Synthetic Graphite Tape for Cooling of Instrumentation in Radiation Intense Environments - De Boer, Wim (KIT)
  6. 3D Diamond Detector Simulation - Forcolin, Giulio (U Manchester)
  7. Large Area Polycrystalline Diamond Detectors for Online Hadron Therapy Beam Tagging Applications - Gallin-Martel, Marie-Laure (LPSC)
  8. News from 2016 - Griesmayer, Erich (CIVIDEC)
  9. Replacement of the Fast Beam Condition Monitor (BCM1F) sensors at CMS - Guthoff, Moritz (CERN)
  10. Development of 3D diamond detectors - Haughton, Iain (U Manchester)
  11. Evaluation of 3D diamond detectors for application in radiation dosimetry - Kanxheri, Keida (INFN & U Perugia)
  12. New results from understanding radiation damage in diamond detectors at CMS - Kassel, Florian (KIT)
  13. 13C(n,a0)10Be cross section measurement - Kavrigin, Pavel (CIVIDEC)
  14. TEM study of dislocations in diamond-on-iridium and first results of ELO experiments - Mayr, Michael (U Augsburg)
  15. Electronic properties of IIa HPHT diamond samples from New Diamond Technology - Pomorski, Michal (CEA-LIST)
  16. Radiation damage studies in scCVD diamond material with protons and heavy ions - Rost, Adrian (GSI)
  17. Electric Current Characteristics of Irradiated Diamond Detectors - Schirru, Fabio (GSI)
  18. Charge multiplication and signal recovery in thin diamond detectors - Skukan, Natko (RBI Zagreb)
  19. High-Temperature alpha-Spectroscopy with Diamond Sensors - Steinegger, Patrick (FLNR / JINR)
  20. Radiation monitoring and beam abort for the Belle2 Vertex detector - Vitale, Lorenzo (INFN & U Trieste)
  21. Neutron diagnostics with diamond detectors - Weiss, Christina (CIVIDEC)

Talks presented at the 4th ADAMAS Workshop, GSI, Darmstadt, December 3 - December 4, 2015
  1. Dose enhancement effects in synthetic diamond for X-ray dosimetry - Alamoudi, Dalal (U Surrey)
  2. Simulation and Development of 3D diamond detectors - Forcolin, Giulio
  3. Activities on diamond-based devices and detectors at CNR-ISM - Girolami, Marco (CNR-ISM)
  4. Degradation of diamond detectors with radiation - Grilj, Veljko (RBI Zagreb)
  5. Future upgrades to the diamond based beam condition monitors at CMS - Guthoff, Moritz (CERN)
  6. Machine Induced Backgroud Monitoring with BCM1F - Hempel, Maria (DESY)
  7. Diamond Detectors for Profile and Emittance Measurements at LINAC4 - Hofmann, Thomas (CERN)
  8. Fast diamond membrane detector for the measurement of intense ion bunches - Jahn, Diana (GSI)
  9. The BCM1F Detector: commissioning at LHC Run II and first results - Karacheban, Olena (BTU, DESY)
  10. Investigations of electric field effects caused by radiation induced defects. Irradiation campaign and TCT measurements - Kassel, Florian (KIT)
  11. TCT characterization of new generation of DoI samples - Kis, Mladen (GSI)
  12. Modeling comparison of signal collection in diamond sensors in extreme conditions - Kubytskyi, Viacheslav (LAL IN2P)
  13. Radiation hardness of monocrystalline, polycrystalline and DOI 3D-diamond sensors - Lagomarsino, Stefano (INFN)
  14. Recent progress in the growth of heteroepitaxial diamond for detector applications - Mayr, Michael (U Augsburg)
  15. Laser Processing and Characterisation of 3D Diamond Detectors - Murphy, Steven (U Manchester)
  16. Radiation damage in scCVD diamond material measured with relativistic Au ions for future CBM/HADES experiments at FAIR - Pietraszko, Jerzy (GSI)
  17. Single crystal CVD diamond membranes for betavoltaic cell - Pomorski, Michal (CEA-LIST)
  18. Adsorption interaction of Tl on quartz: the role of diamond detectors - Steinegger, Patrick (PSI)
  19. Fast-neutron diagnostics with CVD diamond detectors - Weiss, Christina (CERN)

Talks presented at the 3rd ADAMAS Collaboration Meeting, ECT*, Trento November 18 - November 20, 2014
  1. Sr-90 tests with high-performance DOI samples - Afanaciev, Konstantin
  2. Laser-diamond interaction – Modelling the device damage during laser graphitization - Apostolova, Tzveta
  3. Cryogenic beam-loss monitors for the LHC magnets - Bartosik, Marcin
  4. Diamond dE-E-ToF-telescope for heavy-ion reactions at the Coulomb barrier - Beliuskina, Olga
  5. Alpha trace detection in liquids - Bergonzo, Philippe
  6. Intrinsic DOI sensors - a 12C micro-beam study - Berdermann, Elèni
  7. Mosaic diamond detector for MIPs detection in HADES - Chlad, Lúkaš
  8. Large area continuous position sensitive diamond detector tests - Ciobanu, Mircea
  9. Fabrication of diamond innovative windows for X-ray tubes applications - Delfaure, Colin
  10. Optical grade diamond material for HADES/CBM high-rate experiments at FAIR - Donaldson, Lindsay
  11. Determination of the working bias of thin diamonds by the time response - José Dueñas
  12. Advanced diamond devices - Galbiati, Arnaldo (Solaris Photonics)
  13. New diamond detector applications - Griesmayer, Erich (CIVIDEC)
  14. Diamond detector tests at an X-ray Free Electron Laser - Grünert, Jan
  15. Understanding and mitigating the loss of detector efficiency in the diamond based BCM detectors at CMS due to radiation damage - Guthoff, Moritz
  16. CVD diamond - IIa technology - Hüffner, Detlef (Diamtec GmbH)
  17. Tests and first application of sapphire sensors - Ignatenko, Alexandr
  18. Development of a diamond detector for temporal profile measurements of sub-nanosecond intense ion bunches - Jahn, Diana (please ask author)
  19. Application of scCVD for proton beam diagnostics - New developments at IFJ-PAN - Jastrzab, Marcin
  20. First results on biased CMOS MAPS on diamond devices - Kanxheri, Keida
  21. New approach to simulate radiation damage to single-crystal diamonds with SILVACO TCAD - Kassel, Florian
  22. Radiation hardness of 3D poly-crystal diamond detectors - Lagomarsino, Stefano
  23. Status of diamond detector R&D at Micron - Lefeuvre, Gwenaelle
  24. Upgrade of BCM1F for fast beam background and luminosity measurements at CMS - Lohmann, Wolfgang
  25. Dose enhancement near metal electrodes in diamond X-ray detectors - Lohstroh, Annika
  26. Element Six: Diamond material for radiation detectors - Mathias, Simon
  27. X-ray beam monitoring / Etching diamond for super-thin membranes - Morse, John / Burmann, Charlotte
  28. 3D diamond detectors - Oh, Alexander
  29. A diamond mosaic detector for therapy and space research - Pleskac, Radek
  30. Diamond as a solid state micro-fission chamber for neutron detection - Pomorski, Michal
  31. Fast, precise QDC measurement for high-rate diamond detectors - Rost, Adrian
  32. Development of Diamond Detectors for ToF measurements at FRS/Super-FRS - Schirru, Fabio
  33. Dislocations in diamond: their multiple role for growth, stress formation, and crystal properties - Schreck, Matthias
  34. Sapphire sensors for particle detection - Schuwalow, Sergej
  35. Diamond device fabrication and characterization in Florence - Sciortino, Silvio
  36. Radiation monitoring for the Belle2 VXD - Vitale, Lorenzo

Talks presented at the 2nd ADAMAS Workshop, GSI, Darmstadt, December 15 - December 17, 2013
  1. DOI Characterization at DESY - Afanaciev, Konstantin
  2. Diamond and silicon as possible candidates for LHC cryogenic beam loss monitors - Bartosik, Marcin
  3. Investigations of heavy ion reactions at low energy with diamond detectors - Beliuskina, Olga
  4. Welcome and ADAMAS news - Berdermann, Elèni
  5. Status report on Diamond-on-Iridium (DOI) sensors - Berdermann, Elèni
  6. Development of dosimeters based on polycrystalline diamond - Bruzzi, Mara
  7. Study of the long-term stability of the thin SC CVD based detector for alpha-spectroscopy - Chokheli, Davit
  8. PADI-8 and PADI-8D new ASIC's for Diamond Detectors - Ciobanu, Mircea
  9. Progress towards understanding radiation damage in semi-conductors - de Boer, Wim
  10. Ultra-thin scCVD Diamond as X-ray Beam Position Monitor at SOLEIL - Desjardins, Kewin
  11. Neutron Detection with Diamond Detectors - José Dueñas
  12. Fission fragments time-of-flight spectroscopy with single-crystal diamond - Frégeau, Marc-Olivier
  13. Beam loss measurements with diamonds - Griesmayer, Erich
  14. Introduction / Spectroscopy with diamonds - Griesmayer, Erich / Kavrigin, Pavel
  15. Results of Diamond Characterisations - Hempel, Maria
  16. Status of diamond sensors for HADES and CBM - Kiš, Mladen / Pietraszko, Jerzy
  17. 3D mono- and poly-crystalline diamond detectors: CCE characterization under beta-irradiation - Lagomarsino, Stefano
  18. Progress in diamond detector fabrication at Micron Semiconductor - Wilburn, Collin / Lefeuvre, Gwenaelle
  19. Current status of the Fast Beam Conditions Monitor upgrade at CMS using single-crystal diamonds - Leonard, Jessica
  20. Efficiency and mechanism of dislocation density reduction during heteroepitaxial growth of diamond for detector applications - Mayr, M.
  21. Status of single crystal diamond beam monitoring for synchrotron X-ray beams - Morse, John
  22. Update on 3D Diamond detectors - Oh, Alexander
  23. Actinides detection by alpha-particles spectroscopy in liquids using electrochemically assisted silicon and diamond sensors - Pomorski, Michal (please ask author)
  24. Development of diamond detectors for time of flight measurements at the Super-FRS - Schirru, Fabio
  25. Thin single crystal diamond detectors for alpha particle detection - Schirru, Fabio
  26. Research on silicon on diamond detectors - Sciortino, Silvio
  27. Microstructuring of diamonds with laserlithography - Simons, Carmen
  28. Diamond transmission detector for external microbeams - Skukan, Natko
  29. Diamond detector design for measuring alpha-decay chains - Steinegger, Patrick

Talks presented at the 1st ADAMAS Workshop, GSI, Darmstadt, December 16 - December 18, 2012
  1. Applications of diamond devices in large area conformal radiotherapy and space experiments - Mara Bruzzi (INFN Firenze, Italy)
  2. Laser micro-machining for 3D diamond detectors applications - Benoit Caylar (CEA-LIST, France)
  3. Large Area Continuous Position Sensitive Diamond Detector: First tests - Mircea Ciobanu (ISS Bucharest, Romania)
  4. Diamond detector for a portable alpha-particle spectrometer - José Dueñas (University Huelva, Spain)
  5. Radiation hardness tests on thin diamond detectors - Veljko Grilj (RBI Zagreb, Croatia)
  6. CIVIDEC Summary of 2012 - Erich Griesmayer (CIVIDEC Instrumentation, Austria)
  7. Radiation damage in diamond sensors at the CMS experiment of the LHC - Moritz Guthoff (CERN)
  8. Application of Diamond Based Beam Loss Monitors at LHC - Maria Hempel (DESY,BTU,CERN)
  9. A pCVD diamond detector for a slowed down ion beam in high energy laser environment - Alexander Knetsch (GSI, PP)
  10. Start Detector for TOF@CBM@FAIR - Piotr Koczon (GSI)
  11. Diamond as potential CryoBLM for the LHC - Christoph Kurfürst (CERN)
  12. Current status of Fast Beam Condition Monitor BCM1F at CMS - Jessica Leonard (DESY Zeuthen)
  13. Diamonds for Beam Loss monitoring of LIPAc - Jacques Marroncle (CEA Saclay, France)
  14. Diamond Material for Radiation Detectors - Simon Mathias (Element Six)
  15. Radiation hardness issues in diamond - Ricardo Mori (INFN Firenze, Italy)
  16. Progress on single crystal diamond beam position monitors for synchrotron X-ray beams - John Morse (ESRF Grenoble, France)
  17. 3D Diamond Detectors - Alexander Oh (CERN, University of Manchester)
  18. Properties of scCVD diamonds irradiated with a high intensity Au beam - Jerzy Pietraszko (GSI, HADES / Frankfurt U, Germany)
  19. Mosaic Detector: Experiments for Therapy and Space Research - Radek Pleskac (GSI Bio)
  20. Super-thin scCVD diamond membrane detectors - Michal Pomorski (please ask author)
  21. Diamond hodoscope for hadron therapy - Michal Pomorski (CEA List, France)
  22. Development of Front-End Electronics for Beam-Condition Monitor at CMS - Dominik Przyborowski (CERN)
  23. Silicon-on-diamond Detectors Project - Silvio Sciortino (INFN Florence, Italy)
  24. X-ray induced photocurrent characteristics of diamond detectors with different amorphous carbon electrodes - F. Schirru (Surrey U, UK)
  25. Investigation and Manipulation of Dislocations in Heteroepitaxial Diamond-on-Iridium Crystals - Christian Stehl (Augsburg U, Germany)
  26. Diamond Detectors for Fast Transactinide Experiments - Patrick Steinegger (PSI, Switzerland)
  27. Spectroscopic Measurements with the Diamond Mosaic-Detector at n_TOF at CERN - Christina Weiss (CERN, TU Wien)
  28. The challenge of adding DIAMOND processing into a SILICON DETECTOR manufacturing operation - C. Wilburn (MICRON Semiconductor)

Talks presented at the 3rd CARAT Workshop, GSI, Darmstadt, December 11 - December 13, 2011
  1. Welcome and CARAT News - Elèni Berdermann (GSI, DL)
  2. Recent results from Diamond-on-Iridium (DOI) sensors - Elèni Berdermann (GSI, DL)
  3. 3D micro-structuring of diamond for radiation detector applications - Benoit Caylar (CEA Saclay, France)
  4. Applications of polycrystalline CVD diamond in plasma physics - Witold Cayzac (TU Darmstadt, Germany)
  5. FEE-DD Simulations: Preliminary analysis of first DOI measurement results - Mircea Ciobanu (GSI, DL)
  6. FEE-DD Simulations: Large-area continuous position-sensitive diamond detectors - Mircea Ciobanu (GSI, DL)
  7. The diamond beam monitor as part of ATLAS IBL upgrade - Christian Gallrap (CERN)
  8. Experience with diamond based beam condition monitoring systems at CMS during 2011 - Moritz Guthoff (CERN)
  9. Radiation hardness tests of SC diamond detector under irradiation by MeV energy range carbon ions - Milko Jaksic (RBI Zagreb)
  10. TCT and studies on scCVD diamonds at cryogenic temperatures - Hendrik Jansen (CERN)
  11. Accurate charge measurement of fast signals via FPGA based TDC’s - Wolfgang König (GSI, HADES)
  12. Particle detection with sCVD and silicon at liquid helium temperatures - Christoph Kurfürst (CERN)
  13. Graphitic electrodes on silicon-on-diamond devices - Stefano Lagomarsino (INFN)
  14. Application of single crystal diamond sensors for beam halo monitoring at CMS and LHC - Wolfgang Lohmann (DESY)
  15. Diamond based detectors for timing applications in HADES - Jerzy Pietraszko (GSI, HADES / University of Frankfurt, Germany)
  16. Advanced diamond detectors at LCD - Michal Pomorski (CEA Saclay, France)
  17. Electrical characteristics and polarization effect in the ultra fast heteroepitaxial diamond detectors - S. Rahman (OncoRay)
  18. Fabrication and characterization of graphite electrodes for diamond X-ray dosemeters - Fabio Schirru (FEPS, UK)
  19. Silicon-on-diamond devices - Silvio Sciortino (INFN Florence, Italy)
  20. Recent work related to pcCVD diamond based large area timing detector for HISPEC-DISPEC program - Nara Singh (York University, UK)
  21. Diamond detectors for transactinide chemistry - Patrick Steinegger (PSI, Switzerland)

Talks presented at the 2nd CARAT Workshop, GSI, Darmstadt, December 14 - December 15, 2010
  1. Welcome and CARAT News - Elèni Berdermann (GSI, DL)
  2. Interaction of intense radiation with material - Tzveta Apostolova (INRE, Bulgaria)
  3. Exciting news from Diamond-on-Iridium sensors - Elèni Berdermann (GSI, DL)
  4. Diamond detectors in BCM1F - Maria Elena Castro Carballo (DESY, Germany)
  5. Status of the FEE developments for diamond detectors at GSI - Mircea Ciobanu (GSI, DL)
  6. Spectroscopy and timing characterisation of thin scCVDD detectors - Jose Dueñas (UHU, Spain)
  7. Time structure of bunched beams - Jose Dueñas (UHU, Spain)
  8. First Results for the new CBM Timing-Readout-System - Jochen Frühauf, presented by M. Kiš (RBI / GSI, CBM, FOPI)
  9. Status of the R3B diamond detectors for tracking and ToF of relativistic heavy ions - Roman Gernhäuser (TU München, Germany)
  10. CMS Beam Condition Monitoring for Experimental Protection during 2010 and Outlook - Moritz Guthoff (CERN / KIT, Germany)
  11. Considerations on the CBM START detector - Dmytro Kresan (GSI, CBM)
  12. Single crystal diamond for X-ray beam monitoring - John Morse (ESRF, France / SLAC, USA)
  13. The NIEL Hypothesis - Updates on Simulation and Comparisions to Data - Steffen Müller (CERN / KIT, Germany)
  14. Electrical characterization of conductivity - basic properties and challenges - Christoph Nebel (IAF Freiburg, Germany)
  15. Preliminary studies and perspectives of 3D CVD diamond sensors - Alexander Oh (University of Manchester, UK)
  16. Status of the HADES diamond beam detectors - Jerzy Pietraszko (GSI, HADES / University of Frankfurt, Germany)
  17. Large area duo-lateral position sensitive CVD diamond detectors for X-ray beam monitoring with extreme pos. resolution - Pomorski (CEA)
  18. Diamond detectors for medical dosimetry - Jan Würfel (PTW Freiburg, Germany)
  19. Conductivity study of CVD-Diamond Detectors - Shahinur Rahman (GSI, DL)
  20. Radiation hardness studies with relativistic electrons - Sergej Schuwalow (University of Hamburg / DESY Zeuthen, Germany)
  21. Status of the silicon-on-diamond technique and perspectives - Silvio Sciortino (INFN Florence, Italy)
  22. Status of the LYCCA spectrometer for HISPEC - Nara Singh (University of York, UK)
  23. Growth and properties of nano crystalline diamond - Hadwig Sternschulte (nanoTUM / TU München, Germany)
  24. Initial kinetics of material excitation and relaxation in swift heavy ion tracks - Alexander Volkov (RRC KI, Russia)

Talks presented at the 1st CARAT Workshop, GSI, Darmstadt, December 14 - December 15, 2009
  1. Welcome and CARAT News - Elèni Berdermann (GSI, DL)
  2. Early Diamond-on-Iridium (DoI) samples - Elèni Berdermann (GSI, DL)
  3. Photon-detectors for spectroscopy and diagnostics - Alessio Bocci (CNA Univ. of Seville)
  4. Applications of CVD-diamond for heavy ions charge state measurements - Witold Cayzac (TU Darmstadt)
  5. Different aspects comparing the radiation hardness of diamond and silicon sensors - Wim de Boer (KIT Karlsruhe)
  6. Large area diamond tracker for R3B - Roman Gernhäuser (TU München)
  7. X-ray photon diagnostics at the European XFEL - Jan Grünert (European XFEL)
  8. Use of Single Crystal Diamonds for a fast BCM and for a Pixel Luminosity Tracker for CMS - Richard Hall-Wilton (CERN / Wisconsin)
  9. Development of the CBM silicon detector systems - Johann Heuser (GSI, CBM)
  10. IBIC, ion microprobe technique for testing diamond detectors, application examples and perspectives - Milko Jaksic (IRB Zagreb)
  11. Timing properties of thin diamond detectors - Jose Antonio Duenas (UHU Huelva)
  12. High Rate MIPs Diamond Detectors with a Time Resolution ó < 50 ps ? - Wolfgang Koenig (GSI, HADES)
  13. Some Applications of Diamond Detectors in the AP-Division of GSI - Christophor Kozhuharov (GSI, AP)
  14. High-energy heavy-ion timing with pc DD for LYCCA - Annika Lohstroh (University of Surrey)
  15. Diamond Detectors Ltd., Current/Planned Investments in Research, Capability & Markets - Alex Brown (DDL, Dorset UK)
  16. 'Loss-less' broadband signal transfer - Peter Moritz (GSI, HF Group)
  17. Tests of a diamond quadrant detector at Hasylab using Libera Brilliance readout - John Morse (ESRF Grenoble)
  18. Beam Conditions Monitors for the CMS experiment at the LHC - Steffen Müller (CERN / KIT)
  19. Test of Diamond Detectors at the FRS - Ivan Mukha (Univ. of Valencia)
  20. Artificial diamonds as ultra-fast fission trigger - Stephan Oberstedt (JRC-GEEL)
  21. Low Intensity Diamond Detector Beam Profiler - M. Parlog, (LPC Caen)
  22. Heteroepitaxial diamond on Ir/YSZ/Si(001): general developments and specific aspects for detector applications - M. Schreck (Augsburg U)
  23. Large bandgap solid-state sensors – some new developments - Sergej Schuwalow (DESY Zeuthen)
  24. Perspectives on silicon-on-diamond devices - Silvio Sciortino (INFN Firenze)
  25. Experimental Beamlines of GSI Materials Research - Daniel Severin (GSI, MF)
  26. Single Crystal CVD diamond position-sensitive detectors based on DLC resistive electrodes - Nicholas Tranchant (CEA List/Saclay)
  27. The IPE Institute at KIT - Marc Weber (KIT-IPE Karlsruhe)
  28. pCVD diamond beam position monitors for PETRA III - Eckhard Wörner (DM, Freiburg)

Talks presented at the 4th NoRHDia Workshop, GSI, Darmstadt, June 8 - June 10, 2008
  1. Welcome - News from I3HP and I3HP2 - Elèni Berdermann, GSI-DL
  2. Diamond Detectors Ltd - Products and Capabilities - Kevin Oliver, Diamond Detectors Ltd., UK
  3. Diamond Materials - a Fraunhofer Spin-Off Company - Eckhard Wörner, Diamond Materials Freuburg
  4. Recent progress in the field of diamond heteroepitaxy on Ir - Matthias Schreck, Uni Augsburg
  5. Surface and bulk defects of diamond and correlated electronic variations - Christoph Nebel, IAF Freiburg
  6. The influence of electrical contacts on diamond radiation detectors' performance - Arnaldo Galbiati, Diamond Detectors Ltd., UK
  7. DLC based radiation hard contacts for diamond detectors - Vitaly Liechtenstein, Kurchatov Institute, Moscow
  8. Growth of chromium on diamond - Robert Lovrincic, KIP Uni Haidelberg
  9. Signal formation and fast response time - Philippe Bergonzo, CEA-List Saclay
  10. Synchrotron X-ray Beam tests of PC and SC diamond at ESRF - John Morse, ESRF Grenoble
  11. Low-energy heavy ions in diamond - Angela Bräuning-Demian, GSI-AP
  12. Material modifications by swift heavy ions - Christina Trautmann, GSI_MF
  13. Color centers in LiF induced by swift heavy ions far beyond the ion range - Kurt Schwartz, GSI_MF
  14. Recent RD50 developments on radiation tolerant silicon sensors - Michael Moll, CERN
  15. |Expected radiation damage of diamond beam monitors at LHC - Wim de Boer, Uni Karlsrhue
  16. Polarization effects in radiation damaged scCVD diamond detectors - Sergej Schuwalov, DESY Zeuthen
  17. Beam Conditions Monitoring for CMS, in particular BCM1F with single crystal diamonds - Wolfgang Lange, DESY Zeuthen
  18. First p and n irradiations of single crystal HadronPhysics detectors - Michal Pomorski, GSI-NoRHDia
  19. Energy loss measurements of swift ions penetrating hot plasmas at the UNILAC - Abel Blazevic, GSI-PP
  20. Alternative methods for heavy-ion therapy dosimetry - Monika Rebisz-Pomorska, CEA-List Saclay
  21. Single crystal CVD diamond neutron detectors in a p-type/intrinsic/metal layered structure - G. Verona-Rinati, Uni Roma Tor Vergata
  22. Diamonds for HITRAP and for future electron spectroscopy - Christophor Kozhuharov, GSI_AP
  23. Heavy-ion ToF detectors of the Lund-York-Cologne-CAlorimeter (LYCCA) - Michael Bentley, Uni YORK, UK
  24. HADES progress report on MIPs traversing single-crystal diamonds - Wolfgang Koenig, GSI-HADES
  25. Low-noise fast preamplifier for single crystal diamond detectors - Stefano Riboldi, Uni Milano and INFN Mi
  26. Tests for a start detector for FOPI - Andreas Schüttauf, GSI_FOPI
  27. n-XYTER for diamond detectors - Rafal Lalik, AGH-UST Cracow
  28. Marie Curie Initial Training Network MC-PAD - Christian Schmidt, GSI_DL

Talks presented at NoRHDia Collaboration Meeting, GSI, Darmstadt, 25-26 June, 2007
  1. Eleni Berdermann, GSI, Darmstadt
  2. Annika Lohstroh (pp. Paul Sellin), Surrey Univ.
  3. Mariana Petris, NIPNE, Bucharest
  4. Stefano Riboldi, INFN, Milan
  5. Mircea Ciobanu, GSI, Darmstadt
  6. Christian Grah, DESY
  7. Matthias Schreck, Uni. Augsburg
  8. Wim de Boer, Uni. Karlsruhe
  9. Val O'Shea, James Watt Nano Fabrication Centre, Glasgow
  10. Gianluca Verona-Rinati, Univ. di Roma “Tor Vergata"
  11. Robert Lovrincic, Univ. Heidelberg
  12. Milos Nesladek, CEA-Saclay
  13. John Morse, ESRF, Grenoble

Talks presented at 3rd NoRHDia Workshop, GSI, Darmstadt, 30 August - 1 September, 2006
  1. Element Six News - Kevin Oliver
  2. Homo-epitaxial growth and characterization progress in Saclay - Nicolas Tranchant
  3. Homoepitaxial growth of atomically flat CVD diamond plates in CH4-rich plasmas - Anna Bogdan
  4. Diamond growth at Michigan State University - Andreas Stolz
  5. X-ray characterisation of diamonds at the ESRF - Jurgen Hartwig
  6. IR and AFMstudiesof diamonds for detector applications - Robert Lovrincic
  7. CVD diamond response in X-ray beams and physical surface characterization - John Morse
  8. Transit photo-current measurements of the i-SC CVD and IIa natural diamond. - Andrey Bogdan
  9. IBIC imaging in synthetic single crystal diamond - Annika Lohstroh
  10. Characterization of Polycrystalline CVD Diamond Detectors with the Munich Heavy Ion Microscope SNAKE - Sabine Schwertel
  11. Longitudinal Beam Profile Measurements of Pulsed Heavy-Ion Beams - Felix Wamers
  12. CMS Beam Condition Monitoring - Steffen Muller
  13. Destructive Measurements with Diamonds in a Lead Ion Beam - Hannes Bol
  16. Charge transport properties of heavily irradiated SC CVD diamond detectors - Michal Pomorski
  17. Diamond detectors for charged-particle beams (Online dosimetry) - Bernd Voss
  18. Spectrometry of heavy ions below 1 MeV/amu with ND and CVDD detectors - Peter Steier
  19. Laser Electron Acceleration and Atto-second Streak Camera - Matthias Fuchs
  20. The fission fragment TOF spectrometer VERDI - Cezar Negoita
  21. Timing Timing measurements with CVD diamonds - Tomica Porobic
  22. Heteroepitaxial Diamond Detectors for Heavy Ion Beam Tracking - Andreas Stolz
  23. High Rate Diamond Detectors for Heavy Ion Tracking and TOF - Roman Gernhauser
  24. Fast Signal Processing: From the Detector to the TDC, an experimentalists (non expert) point of view - Wolfgang Koenig
  25. Status of SC-DD FE Electronics for MIPs Timing - Andrei Caragheorgheopol
  26. PADI, a new ASIC for RPC's and other timing detectors - Mircea Ciobanu
  27. A Multi Channel ASIC for High Resolution Time Measurements - Michael Ritzert
  28. Electronic Systems for the CBM Experiment at FAIR Developments at GSI - Holger Flemming

Talks presented at 2nd NoRHDia Workshop, GSI, Darmstadt, 31 August - 1 September, 2005
  1. News from I3HP & NoRHDia - Eleni Berdermann
  2. The homoepitaxial growth of thick single crystal CVD diamond for detector applications - Nicolas Tranchant
  3. Homoepitaxial growth of diamond for detector applications - Thomas Bauer
  4. Current state of heteroepitaxial diamond deposition - Mathias Schreck
  5. CVD Diamond surface characterization and contact interface properties - Christoph Nebel
  6. Metal-film formation studied with IR spectroscopy - Annemarie Pucci
  7. Metallization of diamonds at the Target Laboratory at GSI - Bettina Lommel
  8. Investigation of the "dead layer" in natural diamond detectors by energy cut-off measurements - Vitaly Liechtenstein
  9. Radiation hardness of insulating materials and semiconductors - Kurt Schwartz
  10. SC diamond detectors for synchrotron beam monitoring - John Morse
  11. Characterization of Single Crystal CVD diamond detectors for heavy ions spectroscopy and MIPs timing - Michal Pomorski
  12. Mapping single-crystal diamond with 12C micro beams - Eleni Berdermann
  13. SC-Diamond for ToF measurements with relativistic particles: First beam test with 27Al ions of 2 GeV/amu - Mladen Kis
  14. Diamond Detector developments at DESY - Christian Grah
  15. Synthetic diamonds for heavy-ion therapy dosimetry - Monika Rebisz
  16. Modeling of the transport properties of CVD diamond detectors - Silvio Sciortino
  17. Low-noise preamplifier for SC diamond detectors - Diego Maiocchi
  18. SC diamond detector FE electronics for MIPs timing - Andrei Caragheorgheopol
  19. Proposals to use NINO ASIC chips for diamond detectors - Evgeny Usenko
  20. Time Stamping for Diamond - Peter Fischer

Talks presented at 1st NoRHDia Workshop, GSI, Darmstadt, 4-6 July, 2004
  1. I3HP: Integrated Infrastructure Initiative on Hadron Physics" - Reinhard Simon
  2. Status of NoRHDia and Scope of the Workshop - Eleni Berdermann
  3. University of Karlsruhe (IEKP) presentation - Eugene Grigoriev
  4. The MAESTRO project - Philippe Bergonzo
  5. Vertex Detectors with CVD Diamond - Alexander Oh
  6. Diamond Pixel Sensors with ATLAS frontend electronics - Markus Mathes
  7. Evaluation of natural diamond detectors as low energy heavy ion spectrometers - Vitaly Liechtenstein
  8. SC-CVD growth and diamond devices - Milos Nesladek
  9. Low Temperature Optical and Electronic Properties of CVD Diamond for Detector Applications - Christoph E. Nebel
  10. Characterization of diamond using broad-band electronics - Heinz Pernegger
  11. Diamond Sensors: Activities at DESY Zeuthen - Wolfgang Lange
  12. Beam-monitors based on diamond-strip-detectors - Hannes Bol
  13. Beam Monitoring Application for diamond at synchrotron X-ray sources Characterization of diamond: tools at ESRF - John Morse
  14. Diamond Detector Applications at CEA-Saclay - Philippe Bergonzo
  15. Position sensitive Focal plane Detectors for Heavy Ions Spectrometers - Angela Brauning-Demian
  16. Timing Performance of CVD-Diamond Detectors for MIPs - Mariana Petris
  17. DBA based multi-channel devices - Mircea Ciobanu